
On the night of April 14, 1912, the Titanic steamed at a high speed into an ice field in the North Atlantic. The sea was calm and its surface was covered with heavy fog. At 11:40 p.m. a lookout suddenly spotted an iceberg dead ahead. The ship turned sharply and, as it scraped by, was opened up like a tin can with a gash below the water line three hundred feet long. The captain determined that they were going to sink fast and at 12:15 a.m. ordered his wireless operator to send the distress call. Within a few minutes the airwaves were rippling with signals as over a dozen ships became aware of the disaster. At 1: 20 a.m. the world began to get news of the tragedy. Because of the Titanic tragedy, people came to realize the magical power of wireless telegraphy. The New York Times commented, “Through the roar of the big city there are constantly speeding messages between people separated by vast distances, and that over housetops and even through the walls of buildings and in the very air one breathes are words written by electricity.” An officer of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company also praised the wireless communication that made it possible to follow the rescue. Without wireless technology, the Titanic tragedy would have been a different story.
【題組】 48 In this article, what does “words written by electricity” mean?
(A) Television signals.
(B) Wireless messages.
(C) The communication through phone lines.
(D) Text messages through mobile phones.

難度: 簡單
Chun Jen Wan 高二上 (2012/07/29)
在這篇文章中,什麼是“由電力文字”是什麼意思? (A)電視信號。 .....看完整詳解
芙胤婕 國三下 (2014/04/02)
阿斯拉 大三上 (2016/11/22)

fuji7463_108初 高二上 (2021/05/20)

“Through the roar of the big city there are constantly speeding messages between people separated by vast distances, and that over housetops and even through the walls of buildings and in the very air one breathes are words written by electricity.”


On the night of April 14, 1912, the Tita..-阿摩線上測驗