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SectionB:字彙用法(_3分,共30分) 詳讀毎個題目的說明,將正確答案填寫在答鎌的空格中。皆爲單選題
【題組】6. Which use of the word “press” itself has nothing to do with publishing business?
(A)Though the corporation spokesman in the press conference denied any charges of exploiting the employees, the labor union tells China Times that the management is lying.
(B)The scandal-ridden actress e^)lains that she yelled at those paparazzi waiting outside her home as they had been pressing her too hard, leaving her little space to relax.
(C)It causes a controversy when the university press, decided to publish a collection of erotic pictures. Some Acuity members think it violates the mores of the institution. D. According to the estimate issued by the police, the three presses can turn out six thousand copies of a pornographic photo album each week.

SectionB:字彙用法(_3分,共30分) 詳讀毎個題目的說明,將正確..-阿摩線上測驗