
Some American couples go to a marriage counselor for help with their marriage. A typical complaint from a wife goes: Well, Doctor, I’m beginning to worry about my marriage. My husband and 41 just don’t understand each other. We both work full-time, but I do all the work at home-you know, 42 dinner, wash clothes, and clean the house. His life is easy; he 43 one job. I have two! Sometimes I feel so lonely. When he’s home, he reads the newspaper or watches TV. He doesn’t talk with me; he talks 44 me. He only talks with his friends. He doesn’t listen if I tell him about my day. He isn’t 45 in our friends and relatives. Sometimes he gives me orders. Sometimes he tells me about sports or politics, but I don’t like it because I feel like a student in school. What’s wrong with him?
(A) at
(B) about
(C) into
(D) towards

難度: 困難
必勝小獅子 大一上 (2018/05/30)
Talk at 指桑罵槐.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Yako Su 大一上 (2018/05/31)

talk at me   對我大發...

“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2018/06/01)


顯示者 ⁴/6 高三上 (2021/07/28)
talk at
to speak to someone without listening to that person or allowing them to speak

at 原意有平面上的一點,性質屬於靜態。一動作後接 at 再接對象,就有把這個對象目標視為靜態無反應,既然一開始就不考慮動作的效果,那麼就只顧動作的「施加」,而不需要顧及目標的反應。

不禁聯想到 come at someone 也有同樣的概念。至於是什麼意思就自己去查吧,這表達還蠻常見也很實用。

Some American couples go to a marriage c..-阿摩線上測驗