

Tourisms around the world bring both positive and negative impacts to the local community. These impacts can be classified as economic, environmental, and sociocultural. Positive economic impacts include job opportunities, income obtained from tourisms and improvements in the transport 71 . Negative economic impacts refer to low salaries often associated with non-managerial jobs and through financial speculation, which can cause the price of land and homes to rise well beyond the capacity of local people. The environmental impacts can be legendary with the presence of the large number of tourists in fragile natural areas, which 72 produces pollution and degradation. As for the effects of tourism in sociocultural aspect, 73 tourist demand, local arts and crafts are often heavily commercialized. In addition, it is also common to see traditional dances and ceremonies 74 purely for a tourist audience and on dates that 75 no relationship with the ceremonies’ true meaning.
(A)to perform
(C)being performed

難度: 適中
INSPIRIT_MSOO 高三下 (2018/02/06)
為感官動詞 see+Ving 的句型 ,☆☆☆........

【站僕】摩檸Morning 國三下 (2017/02/20)
【站僕】摩檸Morning 國三下 (2017/02/20)


Tourisms around the world bring both positive and negative impacts to the local community. These impacts can be classified as economic, environmental, and sociocultural. Positive economic impacts include job opportunities, income obtained from tourisms and improvements in the transport 71 . Negative economic impacts refer to low salaries often associated with non-managerial jobs and through financial speculation, which can cause the price of land and homes to rise well beyond the capacity of local people. The environmental impacts can be legendary with the presence of the large number...


Tourisms around the world bring both pos..-阿摩線上測驗