二、Please translate the 10 underlined words (翻譯下列 10 個有底線單字):
The (1) establishment of a gut flora is (2) crucial to the health of an adult, as well the (3) functioning of the gastrointestinal (4) tract . In humans, a gut flora similar to an adult's is formed within one to two years of birth. The (5) traditional view of the gastrointestinal tract of a normal fetus is that it is (6) sterile , although this view has been (7) challenged in the past few years. (8) Multiple lines of (9) evidence have begun to (10) emerge that suggest there may be bacteria in the intrauterine environment.
50. 請問在大眾捷運系統經營維護與安全監督實施辦法中,下列那一情事不屬於重大行車事故?
(A)正線衝撞事故 (B)正線出軌事故 (C)正線無線電異常 (D)正線火災事故。
49. 請問軌道上的轉轍器主要的功能是什麼? (A)列車加速行駛 (B)提供列車動力 (C)列車轉換軌道 (D)偵測軌道異物。
48. 桃園捷運機場線每一輛列車共有多少扇旅客車門? (A) 8 (B) 10 (C) 16 (D) 24。
This is a large modal.