二、Please translate the 10 underlined words (翻譯下列 10 個有底線單字):
The (1) establishment of a gut flora is (2) crucial to the health of an adult, as well the (3) functioning of the gastrointestinal (4) tract . In humans, a gut flora similar to an adult's is formed within one to two years of birth. The (5) traditional view of the gastrointestinal tract of a normal fetus is that it is (6) sterile , although this view has been (7) challenged in the past few years. (8) Multiple lines of (9) evidence have begun to (10) emerge that suggest there may be bacteria in the intrauterine environment.
448. 使用車輛駕駛輔助系統時最重要的注意事項是什麼? (A) 車輛駕駛輔助系統始終可以安全依賴。 (B) 車輛駕駛輔助系統絕不應使用。 (C) 車輛駕駛輔助系統是可以協助駕駛的工具,但不能替代安全駕駛行為。
447. 下列哪項不是使用車輛駕駛輔助系統的優點?
(A) 可以幫助降低人為失誤造成的碰撞事故風險。
(B) 可以讓駕駛人使用手機或短暫休息。
(C) 可以使停車更容易。
446. 能偵測前方障礙物資訊並適時提供駕駛人警告,必要時直接介入煞車之輔助系統稱為 ? (A) 防鎖死煞車輔助系統。 (B) 自動緊急煞車輔助系統。 (C) 被動緊急煞車輔助系統。
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