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(二) Workers at three BMW plants in Bavaria often put in 40-hour weeks, despite a national union contract mandating 35. They work an extra one or two when asked, as happened three dozen times last year at the Dingoling plant outside Munich. If one factory is busy, buses will haul workers over from the slower sites. When sales are brisk, the employees work on Saturdays. 
  BMW was changing the way Germans work long before it was cool. BMW reforms go back to the 1950s, when workers helped persuade a big shareholder to save the company from being sold to outsiders. In return, the employees made wage and work-rule concessions to save jobs. The enduring legacy is feted inside the company as the “BMW Formula for Work,” based on flexible schedules that apply to blue and white collar alike, while offering the security that Germans crave. 
  The difference between BMW and the latecomers to reform is striking. At BMW, there is no overtime pay, but job security is guaranteed. Labor relations are so good that BMW is opening a €1 billion plant in Leipzig next year, while rivals look for cheaper labor to the east. 
  There’s sweet revenge in this tale. The outsider from whom BMW saved itself was Daimler. A series of blunders had nearly bankrupted BMW. Horrified, workers persuaded shareholders that BMW could survive on its own. Together they scrapped a cheap “bubble car,” refocusing on sporty cars and revamping labor rules. 
  The way of work is evolving. In 1986 BMW introduced flexible shifts to its Regensburg plant. Now workers put in overtime as needed and place extra hours in a time bank, to be withdrawn as time off during slow periods. The result is more paid time off: one worker recently tapped his account for an eight-month holiday in South Africa. The 1950s crisis reshaped BMW’s DNA and its culture makes it possible to keep work in Germany.

【題組】46. What is an appropriate title for this passage?
(A) A flexible German workforce.
(B) A strong German auto union.
(C) The serious crisis BMW faces. 
(D) The ups and downs of BMW.

228 mengendarai kendaraan pada jalan persimpangan arah di jalan tol atau bebas hambatan :
(A) Boleh sembarang parkir.
(B) Mengendarai berdasarkan rambu atau pengarahan polisi.
(C) Saat kondisi lalu lintas mengizinkan maka boleh parkir.


【題組】C. Galvanism

二、今(98)年 2 月,美籍男子 Mark Lee Kaczmarczyk 在臺灣被捕。Mark Lee 涉嫌在加 州猥褻、凌虐 6 名嬰幼兒遭起訴並求刑 48 年,但他在強制治療期間潛逃出境,1 月 初輾轉逃亡臺灣,遭美國警方通緝。我國刑事警察局於 2 月 6 日接獲美國在臺協會 (AIT)轉美國聯邦調查局(FBI)請求追緝犯嫌,並於同日透過國際刑警組織發布 紅色通報通緝。刑事警察局遂立即組成專案小組,調閱並比對其在臺通聯紀錄,同時 派員於其經常出入之場所實地察訪,掌握犯嫌行蹤,於 2 月 15 日將其逮捕歸案, 成為近年來國際警察合作的重大成就。請就國際警察合作事項,回答下列問題:

【題組】 ⑴請簡述國際刑警組織(Interpol)的組織現況,及其在對抗跨國犯罪中的主要功能 為何?(10 分)


【題組】二、英文作文:(30 分) 請就政府單位(在此需以臺灣郵政為例)架設官方網站應所達的功能、預期會(或 已)遇到的問題、及解決之道寫一篇英文作文,文長不應少於 120 字。並請自設一 英文標題。

二、假設 IA 為 n 個數的整數陣列(Integer array),請撰寫滿足下列需求的程式:(25 分)

【題組】 ⑵將 IA 陣列的數值按由小到大的順序排列。

8、求助者的自知力表现为( )

12. 有一質量為 0.5kg 且質量慣性矩為 10kg-m 2的剛體,其正繞著質心作等速旋轉,轉速為 20rad/s。請問此轉動可產生多大的轉動動 能(Rotational kinetic energy)? ________ 焦耳(Joules)。

45. 冷凍食物非常便利,因為它們可以在食用前幾天就買好