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89. 無人飛機機翼除提供升力外,也有下列哪些作用?

27 下列何者最不符合濕溫初起時的主要臨床表現?

Part III Essay 30%
 Write an essay on ONE of the following topics. Use specific examples to support your statements. It is required that you use proper essay format, which includes introductory and concluding paragraphs as well as several body paragrapbs.

【題組】 1. Please discuss the significance in establishing the literary lineage of a minority group, and then take up two American minority writers to demonstrate the achievements, limitations, or possibilities of their works with view to the points you have made about the significance in establishing the Jineage of a minority literature.

四、作文:請依下列說明,書寫 200~250 字短文乙篇;請注意詞藻、文法、句型、結 構等要點。(30 分)
 “ Describe a promotional campaign to attract international tourists to your county or region. You should consider the reasons people might want to visit your area.”

二、衛生福利部設立後,基於衛生與社會福利之整合,某原社會福利立案機構之教養院 (身心障礙福利機構)為了擴展服務範圍,擬設立「護理之家」或「居家護理所」, 以滿足社區失能者照護需求,該機構能否申請附設護理之家或居家護理所?(5 分) 其能否設立主要依據為何?(10 分)

QuestionsⅢ, problem 36-45 (3 points each)
 Below is the information from published Journal papers, please try to answer the following questions.

【題組】37. How many keywords are listed in this paper?
(A) 5,
(B) 6,
(C) 7,

77. 客戶指定印刷色彩時,業界大多採用何種色票作為操作標準?

       企業內不同階層需要不同的資訊系統,沒有任何單一系統可以完全滿足企業內的所有資 訊 需 求 。 請 針 對 知 識 工 作 系 統 (Knowledge Work Systems, KWS) 、 管 理 資 訊 系 統 (Management Information Systems, MIS)、決策支援系統(Decision Support System, DSS)、 交 易 處 理 系 統 (Transaction Processing Systems, TPS) 、 辦 公 室 自 動 化 系 統 (Office Automation Systems, OAS)、高階主管資訊系統(Executive Information System, EIS)和策略 資訊系統(Strategic Information System, SIS)等資訊系統,回答下列問題:

【題組】(四)策略資訊系統在企業中扮演的角色為何?【5 分】