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2.科學能告訴我們關於世界的真理嗎?為什麼?你的立場會有什麼困難?你會如何 回應?


1. Consider a unity feedback control system given below, where the transfer function of the plant G(s) = (s + 3)/(s + 1)(s + 2), and the transfer function of the controller Gc(s),

【題組】(c). The steady-state error in (b) can be removed by designing the controller Gc(s) = K /s, please prove it. (8%)


Dear NorthBay Employees and Physicians: 

Solano County Public Health Officer Dr. Bela Matyas will soon issue a mandate that all hospitals and healthcare facilities in Solano County must require their employees and volunteers to receive the annual influenza vaccination or wear a mask when working in patient care areas during flu season, Nov. 1 to March 31.

Because influenza affects 5 percent to 15 percent of the U.S. population every year, leading to an estimated 3.1 million days of hospitalization and 31.4 million outpatient visits, it is critically important that hospital employees take preventive measures to stay healthy and continue to provide critical healthcare services to the residents and visitors of Solano County. 26 Many hospitals in California have already made vaccination or masking a condition of employment. 

NorthBay Healthcare supports the county’s mandate and urges our employees and providers to receive a flu vaccine. 27  (See attachment.)

NorthBay Healthcare will issue stickers through Employee Health to managers to distribute to staff and volunteers who have received the vaccine. The stickers should be affixed to the employee’s badge, indicating that they do not need to wear a mask in patient areas. 28 

29  If employees decline vaccination they are required to sign a declination statement in lieu of vaccination. Although NorthBay Healthcare complies with state law, our vaccination rate for employees was 77 percent in 2014, woefully below the state goal of having 90 percent of all workers vaccinated. 30 EAttached to this memo is a list of Frequently Asked Questions with answers. This memo, the FAQ sheet and a list of employee vaccine clinics are available at www.NorthBay.org/fluFAQ

(A)State law requires that hospitals offer influenza vaccinations to employees. 

(B) There are still a number of vaccination clinics available.

(C)Influenza vaccination is a preventive measure that reduces serious disease from influenza infection and decreases worker absenteeism. 

(D)Those without stickers will be required to mask when interacting with a patient or working in a patient area.

(E) This mandate affects all staff; physicians, volunteers, even non-clinical staff if they are working or rounding in patient care areas


【已刪除】34.藥局因醫師要求,由現有的一個國產抗生素注射劑商品製成眼藥水,以下4個方法訂定的效期或使用期限, 何者最可靠?
(A)依據Trissel's Handbook of Injectable Drugs的資料

563. 米食包裝之主要功能不包含





假設台灣醫療口罩市場的需求為6109f8e375482.jpg, 供給為6109f8eaed82e.jpg

1. 請問台灣醫療口罩市場 的均衡價格、均衡數量、消費者剩餘、生產剩餘與社會福利為何?

(C)比傳統製 程更具有輕量化的優勢。;
(D)大部分填加材料屬於無應力加工,故無須特 定夾治具設計與複雜加工參數而容易自動化