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11. 關於圓形托盤用途的敘述,下列何者正確?
(A) 僅使用於廚房與service station之間所有餐食的收送
(B) 主要用於service station與客用餐桌之間的餐飲收送
(C) 僅使用於客房餐飲服務的餐食收送
(D) 能大量運送餐食,提升工作效率


8.根據我國水污染防治法放流水標準,放流水直接排入海洋者,自放流口半徑500公尺的海域內, 其海水表面溫度不得超過攝氏多少度?


(C)勤區查 察

(C) 地球月球離心力

二、近來臺灣社會常發生重大災難事件,如震災及車禍重大傷亡事件等,對 於處於危機事件中個人、家庭或社區要盡快介入,以協助個人、團體、 社會重新獲得平衡,危機介入取向之社會工作模式為普遍採行的方法, 請就危機介入處遇目標與處遇原則,加以申述之。(25 分)

三、鎌田茂雄《天台思想入門》:「佛教常用『信解行證』這個詞語,相信而理解是屬 於『知』方面,不過不能僅止於此,必須要有嘗試著藉由信解去實踐的熱情,不 管是念佛、坐禪、數息觀等都可以。理論與實踐是佛教的雙璧,能不間斷地實踐, 就能更進一步地切實了解理論;而對理論了解得越深,實踐也會越深入,因此必 須以相輔相成的方式來掌握理論與實踐。」據此段說明,請申述智者大師的「止觀」思想。


6. (30%) A team of engineers for a defense contractor are commissioned by the naval force of a global power to build a nuclear submarine. The specs for the submarine, as demanded by the navy in order to designate the submarine as the Los Angeles Class, is as follows,
 ●Weight: 7,000 tones (1 tone =1,000 kg)
●Top speed when submerged: 20 knots (~37 km/hr)
●Acceleration from rest to top speed when submerged: 1 minute
It is also estimated that all the friction experienced by a submarine submerged in sea water is 3.86 x 106 N. Moreover, such a submarine is conventionally propelled by a steam-driven turbine, with the high-pressure steam generated from a boiler heated by the nuclear reaction. Now, you are assigned the most critical part of the project - design the heat exchange system for the power generation system of the submarine - and need to determine the operation condition of the heat exchanger. Before that can be done, several other operation parameters have to be known in advance.

【題組】(3) A temperature discrepancy thus exists between steam leaving the boiler and the one entering the turbinc. Making up the discrepancy stands the reason for deploying a heat exchanger in between the boiler and the turbine. Determine the overall heat transfer rate of the heat exchanger. (4 pts)