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四、閱讀測驗 All athletes are stupid. All Asian students are intelligent. All economics students are boring. These are all accurate statements, right? Wrong! They are all stereotypes. Stereotypes are simplified ideas about the characteristics of people within different groups or from certain backgrounds. They are often based on race, gender, or age, but can also be about the subject someone studies, the clothes they wear, or other factors. Regardless of what stereotypes are based on, they are harmful. The other day, my friend told me about something that had recently happened to him. He was meeting someone for the first time. After they introduced themselves, they talked about their life at college. When my friend said that he was on the basketball team, the other guy laughed and started speaking slower. He said that he was joking, but my friend was hurt anyway. Actually, he,s a really smart guy, like most of the players on the basketball team. There are some things we can do to make sure people aren,t hurt by stereotypes. Firstly, treat everyone you meet as an individual. Remember, there,s more to a person than what we see on the outside. Secondly, if you hear someone use a stereotype, correct him/her. This might discourage him/her from using stereotypes in the future. Let’s work together to make sure that everyone is treated with the courtesy that they deserve.
【題組】48. Why was the writer' s friend hurt?
(A) Someone laughed at his appearance.
(B) Someone joked about him being stupid.
(C) Someone said he was not good at basketball.
(D) Some made fun of his shirt.

難度: 簡單

倒數 18時 ,已有 1 則答案
Pow 大一下 (2019/12/15):

joked 開玩笑[(+about/with)]
stupid 愚蠢的,笨的;麻木的,無知覺的;遲鈍的
23.【題組】48. Why was the writer's friend hurt?
(A) Someone laughed at his appearance.
(B) Someone joked about him being stupid.
(C) Someone said he was not good at basketball.
(D) Some made fun of his shirt.
23。 【題組】48。為什麼作者的朋友感覺他受到傷害?


When my friend said that he was on the basketball team, the other guy laughed and started speaking slower. He said that he was joking, but my friend was hurt anyway. Actually, he,s a really smart guy, like most of the players on the basketball team.

==>事實上作者的朋友是籃球隊員,也是一個非常聰明的人,並不笨,所以作者的朋友感覺他受到了傷害 (因為對方故意開始放慢說話速度來嘲笑他)


四、閱讀測驗 All athletes are stupid. All A..-阿摩線上測驗