4. Eukaryotic RNA polymerase II required transcription factors for transcription. Which transcription factor can recognize a common promoter (TATA box)? Which transcription factor is responsible for phosphorylation on C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II and what is the physiological meaning for such phosphorylation? (8%)
3. Why does liver damage cause jaundice? (5%)
2. High levels of cholesterol in the blood is positively correlated with the incidence of atherosclerosis. The ratio of LDL: HDL is a better indicator of coronary artery obstruction, Why? (6%)
40.有關原料乳發酵或添加凝乳酶形成凝乳後製成之產品,下列何者正確? (A)優格 (B)乳油 (C)乳酪 (D)乾酪
39.有關肉品加工產品的敘述,下列何者正確? (A)中式香腸是屬於乳化型香腸 (B)肉乾不需順著肌肉紋路進行切片 (C)氧合肌紅蛋白會使肉形成鮮紅色 (D)香腸製品可添加亞硝酸鹽進行著色
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